STADTGALERIE BAMBERG, BAMBERG, GERMANY15 SEPTEMBER – 27 OCTOBER 2024The exhibition of the Kunstverein Bamberg e.V. in Villa Dessauer Bamberg shows works by Sven Drühl from the last 15 years from different series.
Sven Drühl studied art and maths in the 1990s at the height of the postmodern debate. He sees the possibility of developing a new metamodern visual language by drawing on and expanding the artistic achievements of modernism and postmodernism. The themes that the artist repeatedly explores in his works are cultural transfer, originality, authorship, quotation, remix, and seriality, as well as interference with nature and changes to the concept of landscape.
In Bamberg, Sven Drühl is now showing works from almost all phases of his career. Landscape paintings from the art-historical series, mountain and water images from the lacquer series, which are based on virtual models from the gaming industry, bronze sculptures, architectural motifs, and, for the first time, the complete work block of lithographs.
© Images by Sven Drühl