19 SEPTEMBER 2024 | 3 PM


KÖNIG GALERIE represented by the Director of the Mexican branch Dr. Corina Krawinkel and VERSIO by Pascal Schöning – who is a Curator and Founder of „DAS STUDIO“ - are pleased to present a Pop-up exhibition with 15 young artists in Barcelona during the Gallery Weekend. Some of these artists will show their works in Spain for the first time.
KÖNIG MEXICO CITY will show Zhivago Duncan, Erin Frost, Saul Josâf, Antony Valerian, Armin Boehm, Alexander Iskin, and Reine Paradis.

Zhivago Duncan, a US-American artist who lives and works in Mexico City and Los Angeles, with large-scale painting. He's using wax and dye- techniques to express his comic strip characters on canvas. Erin Frost is an American artist also living in Mexico City. She's a painter and performance artist known for her erotic flower paintings. Saul Josâf is Mexican and paints interiors with oil colours on wood. When Antony Valerian paints, it is as if they are behind a translucent curtain. All the usual elements of portraiture are there: the pose, the visage, the wardrobe. Yet none of them are fully spelled out. Much like in a dream, zooming in is not allowed because it would pull the background to the front and block our view. The German artist Armin Boehm who has an exhibition at the moment in the Nave of St. Agnes is featuring one painting in Barcelona, one of his mask / double portraits in vibrant colours. Alexander Iskin who is based in Mexiko City and Berlin contributed with 4 small wooden paintings. He playfully sets the accompanying processes of virtualization and dehumanization against a postmodern myth of his own: Interrealism. Reine Paradis is a Visual artist based in Los Angeles. Her work includes self-portrait photography, painting, sculpture, and installation.

VERSIO is presenting Xavi Ceerre, Anna Ehrenstein, Benjamin Jakob Enders, Claus Lam / Richard Laber, Max Mucha, Pascal M Schöning, and Nora Isabelle Zielinski.

Xavi Ceerre lives and works in Barcelona. His primary medium is painting, but he also uses other forms of expression such as programming, music, and installation. He completed a Master’s in Painting at the University of Bilbao after a long, eclectic, and self-directed education. Anna Ehrenstein is an Albanian-German artist with trans-ottoman ancestry exploring forms of knowledge and their construction. Her post-photographic sculptures, virtual installations, moving images, and textile works as well as her social interactions challenge networked ideas and epistemologies in a post-digital, neocolonial, interconnected, and hybridized world. Benjamin Jakob Enders is a multimedia artist and musician. His work operates at the intersection of sound, music, performance, and installation. Since 2019, he has been studying in the class of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. His performances and installations have already been showcased at the Kunstverein Düsseldorf, the Megaworld Festival in Vienna, and the Langen Foundation in Neuss. Richard Laber is currently in education, studying with Susan Philipsz in Dresden, Germany. Claus Lam is an interdisciplinary artist born in Berlin. He is currently studying in the master class of Susan Philipsz (Academy of Fine Arts Dresden). Claus’s practice is dedicated to exploring human knowledge production in a post-representation and post-human landscape, emphasizing scientific collaborations and conceptual approaches. Max Mucha is based in Düsseldorf, born in Munich in 1995. From 2015 to 2021 he studied with Kirsi Mikkola at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. From 2021 to 2024 he attended the class of Katharina Wulff at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He has exhibited at Robert Grunenberg Berlin, lkif Seoul, Plain Gallery Milan, and Tiroler Landesmuseum Innsbruck. Pascal M Schöning, lives and works in Berlin, the Rhineland, and Barcelona. Navigating the intersection of painting, urban space, and minimalism, his work carries conceptual depth by questioning the hidden grids of public order and the state of personal freedom, placing them in a context of imperfection and elements of liberation. Nora Isabelle Zielinski’s eclectic work consists of painting, text, media and spatial installations. She focuses in her paintings on abstract concepts emphasized through symbolism and surrealistic elements in aim to find a state that allows the recipient sufficient space for their own visions. She studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Rita McBride and Katharina Wulff.



Armin Boehm (b. 1972 in Aachen, Germany) lives and works in Berlin. He is known for his vibrant and surreal depictions of hedonistic urban life. Both cryptic and unfathomable, grotesque and nightmarish, his dystopian paintings invite viewers into an eerie yet somehow familiar underworld. Populated by fragmented characters – real and imagined – these visions delve into the psyche and the unconscious, reflecting the turmoil of dreams and repressed fears. Boehm's approach extends beyond traditional painting techniques. He incorporates collages with patches of fabric, creating a second skin that adds depth and texture to his work. This method ...
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Zhivago Michael Duncan (b. 1980 in Indiana, USA) lives and works in Los Angeles and Mexico City. Duncan’s multi-disciplinary practices runs the gamut from installation to paintings to ceramics and works on paper, all of which explore the underlying relationships between human consciousness and constructed notions of the real. His work weaves elements of ancient creation myths with modern treatises on subjects as diverse as physics, metaphysics, astronomy, artificial intelligence, and contemporary philosophy. The result is Duncan’s own distinctive mythological cosmos, expressed through a hieroglyphic language and iconography that symbolize ...
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Erin Frost (b. in California, USA) lives and works in Mexico City. Frost’s autodidactic and meditative painting process investigates the qualities of the unknown. With interests in both nature and philosophy, Frost’s paintings explore themes of intimacy and transformation, revealing the artist’s deep-seated fascination with the interplay of embodied processes and corporeality as a whole. With dance-like movements, Frost imparts a performative dimension to her works, tracing the outlines of her instinctual gestures, the canvas functioning as a stage for movement, and a direct connection to the artist. The approach is at once physical and me...
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Alexander Iskin (b. 1990 in Moscow, Russia) works on a multimedia narrative in a painterly, sculptural, and performative manner. And yet he uses painting as his “mother tongue”. With interrealism, he has proclaimed an art movement of his own. His paintings feature biomorphic and ambiguous forms in contrast to multi-layered surfaces and deep pictorial spaces. The finely balanced ambiguity of the figurative fragments triggers different associations in every viewer.

Alexander Iskin explores the change in the world, which is accelerated through digitalization and genetics. He playfully sets the accompanying processes of virtualization an...
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Reine Paradis (b. 1989, France) lives and works in Los Angeles, California. She received a BA from the Gobelins School in Paris.

Known for her unmistakable use of color and outlandish process, Paradis’ work transmits across different mediums through the use of self-portrait photography, painting, performance, sculpture, and video. Through Paradis' immersive multimedia installations, she examines the pathway between extrinsic realities and personal fantasies. Viewers are invited to cross the border into a colorful and candidly surreal landscape where surefooted perceptions are exchanged for a new artistic currency. Additionally, the u...
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Antony Valerian (b. 1992 in Hamburg, Germany) lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico, and Berlin, Germany. He received a Diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (expanded pictorial space, Daniel Richter) and the Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant.

Valerian’s paintings move like a sequential glitch in the matrix of our visual pictorial knowledge. Everything is processed into each other or has been separated in the layering of color, duct, or composition, which arises and falls apart when looking closely or stepping back. He takes a problem-solving approach to painting which translates into disproportional perspectives, innovative s...
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