Anselm Reyle’s solo exhibition TEENAGE WASTELAND at the Kunstverein Heilbronn occupies the entire Kunsthalle Vogelmann, filling its rooms with new wall installations created on site, as well as showcasing works that span the artist’s career. Included are fourteen mixed media works on canvas, three ceramic sculptures, and one of the artist’s well-known neon light boxes, as well as a neon light installations.

Anselm Reyle is known for his unique and idiosyncratic mixtures of styles, colours, and materials, which include car paint, PVC and mirror film, spray paint, LED lights, concrete, and clay. Additionally, found objects are frequently incorporated into his works, the origins of which – parts taken from the work of other artists, everyday objects, and elements from architecture and design – are as diverse as their realisations in Reyle’s art. His working method includes a process of reflection, appropriation, reformulation, and new formulation, all of which is made visible in the works. Viewers find themselves caught up in the surprising beat of opposing formal and material samplings, reflecting nearly the entire repertoire of modern abstract pictorial invention.

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olfgang Günzel